If you are worried about your Mom or Dad – or any other loved person including yourself – developing Alzheimer´s disease, I have good news for you.

Although you are not likely to hear it from your conventional doctor or care centre for many years yet – if ever – the “mystery” of Alzheimer´s has already been solved. Which means it´s possible to stop it in its tracks, and even totally reverse it. The secret is to radically change one´s diet, making sure one stops eating certain types of food, and at the same time making sure one gets enough of certain nutrients that are necessary for the brain to function properly.

So, stop worrying and begin studying. That´s the only way to expand your awareness and stop being duped by Big Pharma´s grimly profitable fairytales.

Before I tell you more about how to prevent, stop, and even cure Alzheimer´s for good, I want to give you some more information about this disease, how it was discovered, and how it came to spread so fast since then. And that´s where we will find the most important clue to its cure. And yes, I did say cure.

Alzheimer´s Disease (AD) is a relatively new disease, first described during the first decade of the 1900s by the German psychiatrist Dr. Alois Alzheimer. It´s a type of dementia with certain characteristics that mostly affect older people.

The official story is that it´s associated with – and presumably caused by – two physical anomalies occurring in the brain. One is a kind of “plaque” and the other is some thread-like formations called “tangles” that form and interfere with the normal communication pathways of the brain. This was found through post mortems of deceased patients, the first one done by Dr. Alzheimer in 1906.

It´s also known that people who have died of Alzheimer´s have more aluminum accumulated in their brains than normal. And we know that aluminum has a poisonous effect on our neurological system, just as mercury does.

Did you know that both aluminum and mercury deposited in body tissues can be extremely slow in showing their destructive effects on the brain and neurological system? – So much so, that after exposure to one or both of them – vaccines, for instance, often contain both – the effects can be very slight for many years or even decades, if they are even noticeable at all.

But then, as you age, or perhaps experience a serious illness or accident, your body loses control, and the neurotoxic effects can surface and suddenly begin to cause real trouble.

That´s one important reason to reject all vaccinations. I will provide special reports about that super important issue further along the road. So stay tuned for that.

Alzheimer´s typically affects memory, and therefore also spatial orientation and processing of sensory input, among other things.

Dementia is not, as such, a new disease, but it was very unusual before 1900. Since Alzheimer´s disease was identified, the number of people affected has increased very fast in countries with industrialized economies.

Mainstream school medicine is not in the habit of asking for the ultimate cause of symptoms, in order to definitely cure its patients. They often pretend that cures are unknown or impossible to achieve, and that all one can do is manage the disease by trying to block the symptoms, making them a little less painful.

Alzheimer´s is a good example of this attitude. Officially there is no cure for Alzheimer´s. All that the doctors of our prevailing medical system admit to being able to do, is try and delay the full development of the disease while making it a little more tolerable to endure.

Unfortunately, though, none of the presently offered drugs is able to do even that much.
But they do make money for the drug industry. And have various side effects you don´t want.

As you may remember, US republican president Richard Nixon made history by declaring war on cancer in 1971. Nearly 50 years later, with billions of dollars spent on research, ever more people are getting cancer.

Well, one thing is that the incidence of cancer keeps rising. But surely medical science must have made important advances in the treatment results of cancer patients, compared to 50 years ago?

Now, if that´s what you were thinking, I´m afraid you´d better think again! – Treatment results have not improved in any meaningful way at all since then!

I suggest you read my three cancer reports for full disclosure of the shocking truth about cancer and the so called treatments offered by the medical monopoly. And then how you can easily, cheaply and safely cure yourself, or anyone else, of this dreaded disease.

More recently, it´s the fast spread of Alzheimer´s disease that has caught public attention. So president Barack Obama took the opportunity to claim his own niche in medical history by “declaring war on Alzheimer´s”.

What he did was sign a bill called the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA) into law. That created a huge task force of scientists and researchers, involving millions in funding, and a green light for a lot of new studies.

Of course it was great PR for Obama. But is it doing anything in terms of actually finding a cure for the disease? – Well, if you ask me, that was never even the intention of the plan.

You see, the NAPA project — like all political “wars on disease” —really only amounts to a handout to the research branch of the pharmaceutical industry. Same as with cancer. All the billions of dollars spent on research through such channels will never provide a real cure, because their research only focuses on how to make as much money as possible, and that´s not where the cures can be found. Not for cancer, not for Alzheimer´s, nor for any other disease.

Why would the pharmaceutical industry want to find a cure? – After all, every cured patient is one profitable customer less. And Big Pharma is Big Business. It´s neither scientific, nor charitable.

Now, the sensational news is that there are cures for every disease known to man – possibly with the exception of a few rare congenital abnormalities, caused by a faulty gene. But the real cures are all based on natural substances, such as herbs and minerals, and cannot be patented. Which means Big Pharma cannot charge a fortune for them, as they have become accustomed to do with any patented drug.

In addition, fortunately, there are scientists, physicians and institutions who do work honestly to find real cures. Even when they cannot be patented. But they have a hard time finding money for their research. And when they do, the next hurdle is getting their results published. And then put into practice.
After all, the pharmaceutical companies are the most profitable of all traditional industries, and their money has convinced most politicians and media that they have a monopoly on the only truth. Which means keeping the people unaware of all the natural and cheap true cures without any side effects that do exist for most diseases. And, if such cures are brought to the fore, denying that they work and discrediting them as ”unscientific”, “unproven”, “dangerous” etc.

Never doubt it; there is no such thing as an incurable disease! – The difficulty is to find a cure that´s easily accessible and that you can afford.

You can now access the good news about Alzheimer only thanks to the honest scientists and physicians I just mentioned. And you will only know about it from independent alternative sources like

You will never hear about a real cure from mainstream medicine, or mainstream media, since both are totally controlled by Big Pharma.
Where do the clues lead?

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