What about a healthy dose of TRUTH?

After six months of continuous lies and fraudulent scare tactics. Even if it hurts and raises new fears on an entirely different level.

Ultimately, only the Truth can save us and set us free. Hiding our heads in the sand like the anecdotal ostrich, to pretend that we are invisible and invulnerable, is the worst thing we can do.

Once 5G is operating, NOBODY can EVER again be invisible, and you will be permanently targeted every second of whatever life you may have left.

However incredible it may appear to you, this gigantic conspiracy in its bone-chilling transparency can be summarized as follows:

It all began more than a century ago in the USA with a social engineering project on a global level, hatched within the financially dominating circle of the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Mellon billionaire families. The hallmark of John D. Rockefeller´s monopolistic thinking seems to be stamped all over it.

Since its inception in 1913, The Rockefeller Foundation has been the most important incubator and disseminator of this megalomaniac brainchild, that now finally seems to have grown powerful enough for the final blow. A blow, which – if successful – through the combination of a Pandemic + GMO Vaccine + 5G will give those behind it total minute control over the life, health and fate of every man, woman and child on the planet. Literally.

Does this come as a surprise? – If so, you have not been paying attention. Well, mainstream media have not exactly written it on your nose, being almost totally controlled by the conspirators themselves. But for those who have paid attention, there have been many clues, and indeed the very instigators seem to have dropped some of them quite intentionally. Maybe because of some superstitious belief, or as a sort of game, wanting to give their opponents some kind of fair chance.

Covid-19 is only the latest in a long line of intended but failed “pandemics”.  The most recent of these were the Swine flu, the MERS, the SARS, the “Bird flu”  and the Ebola, all of which were predicted with computer models by “the Powers that be” to cause tens or even hundreds of millions of deaths, while actually causing from a few hundred to the Swine Flu´s record number with 18,000 deaths worldwide.

The only real pandemics so far after the misnamed “Spanish Flu” in 1918-20, have been the “Asian Flu” 1957-58 with over 1.5 million estimated deaths, and the “Hong Kong Flu” 1968-69 with about 1 million estimated deaths.

None of the various flu epidemics since then has produced a number of victims greater than any annual seasonal flu. Not even the present Covid-19 epidemic, in spite of the WHO and cooperating governments whipping up a panic through their global propaganda offensive in mainstream media.

The UN, created after World War 2, and its unsuccessful predecessor The League of Nations, created after World War 1 in 1919, were both proposed and planned by the Rockefellers in order to prepare for taking on the world government that their global social engineering project aimed at from the very beginning. The reason they gave for creating it was to stop all wars and promote international cooperation and world peace. It´s easy to see from what has been happening in the world since then, that this was a false argument, since the same powers who were behind the UN and other international organizations have contributed to the permanent wars we have been suffering ever since their plan was hatched a century ago.  

While the death toll has not been nearly as high as they had hoped for, each of these fake pandemics produced billions in profits for Big Pharma and corrupt governments from massively promoted vaccinations.  All funded with taxpayer money. With tens of thousands of lives destroyed from so called side effects.

By far the most successful of the plandemics these people have pulled off intentionally, was the man-made HIV holocaust attributed to another fake virus, to this day never isolated or proven to even exist, in spite of untrue assertions to the contrary.

The vast majority of the 30 million estimated deaths of mostly young healthy people, attributed to a non-existent HIV virus, were in fact directly caused by the drug AZT.  That drug mercilessly killed everybody who took it in the dosage initially prescribed by the medical system. It resulted in a holocaust with maybe 5 times more victims than the much publicized and lamented genocide of Jews by the Nazis during WW2.

All while the pharmaceutical companies made countless billions if not trillions in profits, producing the deadly poison masquerading as a drug “to delay the onset of full-blown AIDS”. The ingeniously engineered HIV “pandemic” was intentionally complex and confusing, full of illusions, smoke and mirrors, and cannot be properly explained here in few words in a limited space.

Today´s Corona plandemic is created by the exact same New World Order lobby that has all the other mentioned “pandemics” on its non-existing conscience. Today, Bill Gates is playing the leading “Godfather” role that the late David Rockefeller used to have, and his favorite weapon is the syringe to inject “vaccinations” with lethal side effects. 

On behalf of the US health authorities, Dr. Anthony Fauci is still in charge after 36 years. In 1984 he was appointed head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a department of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to preside over the HIV/AIDS scam.

That AIDS was caused by a new retro-virus, later named HIV, was proclaimed in April 1984 by Government decree. The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Margaret Heckler, a lawyer, announced that the US Government virologist Robert Gallo had discovered the cause of AIDS. No valid scientific proof was presented, nor was any so called “peer review” allowed, much less an open discussion with other scientists. Thousands of competent and experienced scientists and practitioners all over the world did not agree, many of whom were among the world´s most prominent and respected. However, they were just ignored, banned from scientific publications or mainstream media, and from participating in conferences etc.

If you want to read more about this, you can go to my several reports on HIV/AIDS previously published on this website.

The amazing thing is that the HIV scam continues to this very day, after 36 years, though now with a totally different business model that no longer kills the patients within a few years, but keeps them as profitable clients for much longer. In addition to which they now claim that the still poisonous but no longer fatal HIV drugs prevent “contagion” (of a non-existing virus!) and so should be prescribed to every partner of a “HIV-positive” person. Please get this: HIV does not exist, and the lack of a functional immune system we call AIDS is not contagious. It can therefore not be acquired through sexual, or any other contact. It can be easily cured through drug abstinence, healthy nutrition and an emotionally satisfying life. Even Professor Luc Montagner, the supposed discoverer of the HIV, has said so. On camera.

On behalf of the entire US deep state and the New World Order conspiracy, Dr. Anthony Fauci who presided over the HIV scam is now involved up to his eyebrows with the Corona scam. He is also reported to be involved with Bill Gates´s vaccination business. Incidentally, the World Health Organization is now largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, rather than by member UN nations.

Recently it became publicly known that high risk research on viruses had been performed by the American military´s biological weapon department at their laboratory at Fort Detrick, in cooperation with the corresponding Chinese institution in Wuhan. However, due to security concerns raised by Congress, the activity at Fort Detrick was closed a few years ago. At that point Dr. Fauci moved the dangerous research to China, by funding research at the Wuhan and other Chinese labs to the tune of several million dollars of US tax money.

Since at least March 2020, US and Chinese sources have been accusing each other reciprocally of having let loose the virus that is said to cause Covid-19.  However counterintuitive, it seems that on some level the US and China have been effectively cooperating on the launch and management of the Corona plandemic, for the benefit of the New World Order.

In my second report on this website about the Covid-19 plandemic, published on March 3rd, I mentioned the opinion of Dr. James Lyons-Weiler of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in the USA, that the new virus said to cause Covid-19 showed signs of having been genetically modified through a vector technology, which of course would mean that it has been created or modified in a lab.

Since then, I have become aware of two more scientists, one in Australia and another in Norway, who both claim to have investigated the virus and come to the same conclusion. Of special interest is that both of them found the manipulation to have made the virus more apt to attach to and affect human cells than it originally was.  Why would anyone want to change a virus in such a way, if not in order to cause illness and death in humans?

China also sent a representative to the “war games” Bill Gates organized on October 18, 2019 in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University, to rehearse what to do in case of exactly the kind of pandemic that broke out only weeks later in Wuhan, China.

As with most false flag terrorism, there may be several simultaneous motives behind this plandemic, which will probably become evident with time.  Money is usually involved in a big way, but not as the principal motive.

Don´t forget that we are far enough into the new Aquarian Paradigm for it to have become impossible to keep anything secret in the long run. Everything will become public knowledge, sooner or later. Transparency is one of the most prominent features of the Aquarian Paradigm. We now see proof of this all the time.


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