About Medical Science Beyond Bio-Tech

In several other reports I have highlighted the fact that Humanity is presently living through the most deeply transformational – and fastest – Paradigm shift ever, in all of its known history.

A Paradigm is a generally accepted world view and outlook on life, developed over time within a cultural, social or religious context. It will dictate what is generally seen as truth, justice and so on, and what its members are allowed to see as possible, without being declared crazy.

Paradigm shifts occur when new discoveries or thought forms challenge old established truths, and it´s impossible to refute these new discoveries as either imagination, mistakes or fraud. At that point the old consensus will have to change, but it usually takes a long time before one established paradigm is replaced by another. It will take years, generations, or even centuries, before a Paradigm that has been solidly established by religion, culture or just social custom, is abandoned for a new one.

When it comes to health and medicinethe present paradigm shift is one of focus from the structural and chemical parts of the body, to the higher level of energies and biological information, without which the organism could neither be formed, nofunction once formed.

However, new paradigm medicine goes one step further still. It searches for, and finds, the causative factors in disease, in order to remove them and accomplish a true and permanent cure. And this in turn leads to an ability to focus on prevention, rather than just permanently treating the symptoms of an already manifest illness.

Now outdated paradigm allopathic medicine has rarely, if ever, been able to accomplish a true and permanent cure. Nor has it been able to prevent illness. And the way it´s been practised during the last century, it´s not even been interested in finding out the cause of the illnesses they were supposed to treat, much less cure it. It´s much more profitable to keep people on a battery of prescription drugs for life, than to cure them once and for all.

So how – and where – does the medicine of the new paradigm find the causes of our common illnesses?

Though “orthodox” old-paradigm allopathic medicine does not recognize it, the highest level of physical organization of a living organism is not material but one of complex electro-magnetic energy fields, programmed to determine structure, function and life span of the organism.

The world is made up entirely of energy structuresInvisible structures that consist of waves and that resonate or interact in other ways with each other. The most easily shown example of an energy structure I can think of, is that of a mag­net. With a piece of paper – or a glass-top table – and a handful of iron filings, any­body can see the energy field of the magnet through the way the iron filings arrange themselves on the paper or table surface when the magnet is held and moved underneath. – and also how the energy fields of two magnets interfere with each other, and change, when the magnets get close enough to each other.

But not only magnets have energy fields: every physical structure has. The energy field of a human being has always been visible to certain psychic people as the aura, often depicted in old paintings as a halo around the heads of holy people, people with unusual spiritual force. Up until the middle of the 20th century a Western sci­entist could have got away with the claim that the aura was a product of the psychic’s imagination and not a scientific fact. Not so any more.

As discussed in more depth in chapter 6 of my book CRACKING THE RAINBOW CODE, several brilliant researchers during the 20th century developed methods to show and measure the energy fields of living organisms and how they are influenced by natural cycles, among them the 24-hour diurnal (day-night) cycle of the earth’s rotation around its own axis, and the 28-day lunar cycle.

Impulses generated within biological energy fields are translated into chemical language by the endocrine glands, notably the pineal and pituitary glands. Chemical instructions from the glands are in their turn transformed into physiological building, decomposition or elimination processes that become visible as physical forms, shaping or disintegrating.

Since the 1960s, a considerable number of different bio-resonance therapies have been invented and developed, that all work on the level of energy fields, the highest command level in a living being. The most advanced and sophisticated of these therapies use the awesome power of modern computers, as well as quantum physics, to reach right down to the molecular level of the organism, where it can directly affect the electronic frequencies that determine the biological processes, practically “at source”.

One of these recent systems is the Russian Orion Bio-Scan equipment, developed in cooperation with the Russian space program. It scans the entire organism via a special headset that picks up the holographic information field of the organism and translates it into computer-generated images of the various organs and tissues of the body, revealing areas of tension or disharmony that indicate present, past or impending disease processes. Thus it serves, like Chinese acupuncture, to prevent illness and to maintain good health, and not only to cure it. This is one of the most advanced new paradigm technologies as yet in the medical field.

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