HOMEOPATHY – SCIENCE OF A NEW PARADIGM  and a better treatment alternative than synthetic drugs

HOMEOPATHY – SCIENCE OF A NEW PARADIGM and a better treatment alternative than synthetic drugs

Dear Reader,
Should we celebrate it being Friday again? –
What ́s always worth celebrating is a new health report on StraightCURES.com! Regardless of whether or not the past week has been a successful one, a stressful one, or a less full one than other

But this one is Friday the 13th. So, is there any truth in the belief that 13 is un unlucky number? – My answer to that question is a resounding NO!

There ́s a lot to learn from Numerology, however, so we should not ignore the power and significance of numbers, related to frequencies of energy and thereby also to sound, music, and harmonics. In addition, numbers have a relationship to geometry and space. And to time.

There ́s no such thing as generally unlucky or lucky numbers. But we may find that certain numbers take on a special significance for certain people. So, a number you tend to feel is unlucky, may be my lucky number and signify positive energies for me.

Personally, I see 13 as representing a next level of something which requires you to move outside your familiar comfort zone, taking a step into the unknown. And that ́s scary for most people. But once you face your fear and take the leap, you ́ll have conquered a new level in your personal evolution.

So maybe fearful people find the number 13 to be dangerous and therefore unlucky. While those who are not afraid of the unknown, but long to conquer it, find 13 to be a positive, if challenging number.

Last week ́s report was about bioresonance as the future of medicine, which showed that everything material is built around invisible vibrating and resonating energy fields.

And this week ́s report about HOMEOPATHY explores further the invisible but super-powerful world of information, energy and resonance. It ́s an unusually long report, but I hope you will also find it
unusually enlightening. Happy reading!

Till next week! – The journey continues.


Dr. Jens



The subject of homeopathy is a controversial one, even after 200 years of widespread, well-documented and successful use. We may ask ourselves why this should be so. The apparent explanation is that the way it works is not compatible with the world-view of present mainstream medicine, largely based on a rather limited – and very limiting, I should say – interpretation of Newton´s physics.

 In actual practice, empirical observations are often ignored and clinical experience is dismissed as invalid, because one cannot understand how the result comes about. To me this is an extension of the well-known psychological phenomenon, that we humans tend to see what we expect to see, rather than what is actually there, and the other way round we tend not to admit seeing what we believe is impossible, even if it is there right under our noses.

 Rather than changing our fundamental premises of what is and what is not possible, we dismiss as illusions, mistakes, tricks, fraud etc., all experiences that do not conform with such premises. As you can see this behaviour is clearly emotional and very human, but not at all scientific.  So, however reluctantly, we finally have to admit that even scientists are human, though unfortunately not always aware of this uncomfortable fact.

 Among universal human weaknesses we find the tendency to sometimes accept a thing without questioning its rationale, because it brings us a personal advantage or subjective relief, while at other times we don´t accept it, because now it´s disadvantageous to us, or it does not refer to us personally and doesn´t agree with what we have been taught to believe. 

 Practically all Western scientists lead this kind of double life, practice this kind of double standards: At home in their leisure time they will take many things for granted without giving them a single thought, things they would dismiss and scorn if set to scrutinize them in their capacity of professional scientists.

 The science of Homeopathy has had some early forerunners way back in history, but it was scientifically established by the German medical genius Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago.

 Whereas allopathic school medicine limits itself to specific palliative treatment of symptoms, the purpose of homeopathy is to holistically restore homeostasis or natural balance to the entire patient. It´s important to understand that homeopathy does not treat symptoms, or even the illness; it treats the patient. Therefore two patients with the same symptoms may require different remedies to be cured.

 One of the principles that Homeopathy is based on, is the principle “Like Cures Like”. This means that the same substance that in larger quantities causes certain illness symptoms, will cure illness with those same symptoms, if given in extremely small doses. In this respect it has some similarity to the principle at work in vaccinations. It teases or triggers the body and its immune system into activity, providing a natural response that will solve the problem.

 The difference from vaccinations is that homeopathy does not materially include any dangerous poisons, such as aluminum, mercury or formaldehyde, that can cause serious side effects.

 Though it´s true that homeopathy sometimes uses poisonous substances to make remedies, the extreme dilution means that the chemical substance itself never comes into contact with the patient, and the mere information imprint causes a detox effect, but no toxic reaction.

 Homeopathic remedies have to be prepared through a particular technique of progressive dilutions, where the new and weaker dilution at each step is succussed, i.e. shaken and hit against a semi-hard surface. The reason for this is to mix the solution well and charge all the molecules with the original electronic information of the remedy.

 200 years ago, when Hahnemann researched Homeopathy, it was difficult to understand how homeopathy works, since there was no scientific understanding of the properties of crystals, and even less of electro-magnetic fields. Even today most medical professionals will not admit that there are other levels on which to influence organic processes, than by chemical substances.

 The effects of homeopathic remedies and the dilution and succussing technique were established on the basis of trial and error, i.e. on experience and empirical evidence.  And it has held up for over 200 years and proved highly efficient, whether we understand how it works or not.

Homeopathy was in common and successful use among the medical profession on both sides of the Atlantic towards the end of the 19th century. This is when the petro-chemical industry developed its enormous financial muscle and started to promote and sell the products of its emerging pharmaceutical off-shoots.

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