The skin is the organ most directly exposed to challenges from the world around you. Yet, most skin problems actually come from within.

Teenagers who suffered the misery of acne will never forget it.  And that is true, even if they successfully put it behind them once the hormonal changes of puberty and physical maturity subsided.

But the skin may give us many other problems throughout life, at any age. And modern life exposes us to a multitude of challenges we were not equipped to deal with by Mother Nature.

When you are being told that the Sun is your skin´s worst enemy because it gives you skin cancer, and then are advised to put on thick layers of industrial chemicals to protect yourself against the Sun, it´s time to start thinking for yourself.

How about our forefathers during millennia before us, who spent so much more time working or hunting under the Sun, and with scant or no protection? – Did they get skin cancer? – No, as far as we know, all cancers were extremely uncommon in those times. The reasons people did not live as long as most of us do today, had nothing to do with cancer.

So, why are we sold the false, cancer-causing sun-screen tale? – Elementary, my dear Watson, as Sherlock Holmes would have said. Just follow the money! –

There is one purpose, and one purpose only, for nearly all health information we are being bombarded with by mainstream media and our health authorities. And that´s to generate as much profit as possible for the health and food  industries. Especially the powerful pharmaceutical industry, now known as Big Pharma,  and its close relative and partner, Big Food, typified by companies such as Nestle, Kraft Heinz, Danone, Unilever, MacDonald´s, and Coca Cola. All of which have endless financial resources at their disposal, and practically own all media and all politicians responsible for health care legislation and administration. Some vested interests!

So, if you want to keep healthy and survive all the challenges of modern society, you´d better do your own research and think for yourself.

The only purpose of this membership website is precisely to offer you objective, truly health-promoting and life-saving information, that mainstream media and your own health authorities are denying you. What´s even worse, they are actively selling you directly harmful and even deadly medical drugs and treatments.

Subscribing to is an incredibly cheap and easy way to escape the many death traps that industry and media are constantly putting in your way.  It may not only save your own life and the lives of family and friends, but also save you lots of suffering, time that can be better utilized, and unnecessary costs.

The mentioned big food industries, and millions of other, smaller companies all over the world, have replaced the original, organic, natural, local agricultural food production. And they are all competing for market share, trying to make their products cheaper, tastier, more appealing, longer lasting etc., which has meant adding lots of preservatives, food cosmetics, refined sugar and other taste-enhancing artificial substances. What they don´t include in their equation is the health of their consumers. Maybe from ignorance alone. More likely, against better judgement on the altar of profit.

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