Report Preamble 18th October 2019.

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According to the Arthritis Foundation in the US, arthritis is the leading cause of disability among adults in the U.S. By conservative estimates, about 54 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis in the US alone.

What I find most shocking, is that almost 300,000 children, among them even babies, are said to suffer from a rheumatic condition. For me personally, there is no doubt whatsoever, that the principal suspect of having caused this, is the vaccination program.

But I am also wondering what it might suggest about pre- and perinatal care in general. Another fundamentally important subject I intend to cover here in due time.

This week´s report is about Arthritis, and I hope you will find it enlightening and useful.



Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It affects over 30 million Americans, or around 10% of the population. It´s considered to be caused by wear and tear of joints over time. But its real cause is a lack of maintenance and regeneration of the various components and functions of the joints, which become compromised with age and lack of critical nutrients.

Rheumatoid arthritis is less common and affects more than twice as many women as men. 70 percent of people diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis are women. Now, this is a very remarkable statistic, especially in our days when political correctness does not allow us to acknowledge that men and women are different!

Lumping osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis together under a common name, just because both principally affect joints and cause pain, is actually a grave mistake. They are entirely different diseases, if we look at their causes and the treatments they should be given by mainstream medicine, but seldom are. Again, we see how mainstream school medicine only looks at superficial symptoms and their alleviation. They only treat the pain, but not very effectively, and not seldom with deadly side effects to boot.

Rheumatoid arthritis is now generally considered to be an autoimmune disease. To me that means that it´s a metabolic disease, where hormones are probably involved. Now, the hormone system, as well as the immune system, is typically sensitive to psychological, and especially emotional triggers. And is it not common experience that women are more emotional than men? – I am sorry, but all the political correctness in the Universe cannot change human biology, nor human psychology.

Specifically, what´s become obvious to me through experience, is that the immune system is highly sensitive to emotions such as fear, grief, bitterness, and guilt. Those emotions can quickly wreck the immune system and open the way for cancer, but also any type of illness, where a failing or misfiring immune system is the problem.

Emotionally triggered disease can be a subconscious way out of a dilemma.  It can be used as an excuse for opting out of a situation one does not otherwise dare refuse. But the patient usually does not admit this even to herself, and will appear as incapable as her doctor of explaining the real cause of the disease.

Many years ago, I had a case that illustrates what I just explained. It was a gifted and charming but emotionally insecure young lady, who was training to become a concert pianist. I could not ascertain whether this was truly her own passion and vocation, or if it had been implanted in her by ambitious parents. In any case, here´s what happened.

As the time approached for her public debut, she suddenly developed severe rheumatoid arthritis in her hands, so that she could barely move her fingers, and piano playing became an impossible task, certainly at the professional level she had to master.

My interpretation is that she feared not being able to live up to her own or her family´s expectations as a concert pianist, and rather than risk failing with the shame and guilt that would mean, she subconsciously provided herself with an excuse that she could not be blamed for.

Finding the true cause of a medical condition is not always as straightforward as you would expect, and as you see from the examples I give here, it often requires a truly holistic approach, taking into account intricate combinations of emotions, hormones, nutrients, digestive issues, environment, electromagnetic frequencies, seasonal factors, and so on. All of which is far above and beyond the scope of the allopathic or pharmaceutical medicine which is the only thing we are being offered for our tax money. And the only thing supported by publicly funded education, training and research.

On a totally different, yet related note, it´s interesting to see that arthritis is much more common among people who have other chronic conditions as well. For instance – again according to the American Arthritis Foundation – arthritis has also been diagnosed in 49 percent of heart disease patients, in 47 percent of diabetics, and in 31 percent of clinically obese people.

This clearly indicates a common cause or connection, involving all three diseases.  And we now know that chronic inflammation is a common factor behind all three.  A theme I covered in my report published on 27th September 2019.

Incidentally, another disease on the advance, that is also triggered by chronic inflammation, is Alzheimer´s Disease. Covered in my report on 18th July 2019.  And it´s now recognized that diabetics are particularly prone to Alzheimer´s. So much so, in fact, that some have even called Alzheimer´s “Type 3 Diabetes”.

But does our mainstream medicine ask what is the ultimate cause of arthritis, and try to prevent it, or permanently cure it? – Are you kidding? – That would mean spoiling their beautifully profitable business plan, selling prescription drugs to relieve pain for billions of dollars annually. To be taken various times a day for the rest of their lives.  Even though it does not improve mobility and life quality, and only partially removes pain.

And then, are you aware of the “side effects” of several such pain medications, in addition to their high price tags? – Take Merck´s VIOXX, introduced in 1999, which is the most notorious – but far from the only – analgesic prescribed for pain, especially targeting osteoarthritis, with death as one of its principal side effects. It´s been estimated to have caused some 60.000 deaths, before it was removed from the market five years later, on September 30, 2004. According to Canadian studies, it caused many fatal heart attacks within two weeks of taking it for the first time.

As you will now realize, there are many factors to consider for a complete, permanent cure of Arthritis, especially with Rheumatoid Arthritis, but what you eat remains fundamental.  Which in turn means that curing it requires a change in your diet, where some things must be eliminated, while it´s essential that you eat certain other things.

So let´s get to the nitty gritty of what you need to do, in order to leave your arthritic pain and discomfort behind for good.

I believe I can pretty much guarantee that you will get rid of your Arthritis if you strictly follow the following food recommendations.  I know it can be difficult to keep up within our habitual family and social context, but I do think it´s well worth the trouble.  In the end it´s each sufferer´s decision, no one else´s. Incidentally, these recommendations will help reduce inflammation in general, and consequently help you fix most chronic health issues, not just arthritis.

It´s important to understand that my recommendations don´t mean that I know for sure that every food I ask you to avoid actually is what causes you the trouble. They are what´s known to cause problems for many people. Once you´ve got rid of the problem, you can re-introduce the forbidden items one by one, to test if your problem comes back, giving it sufficient time.  If it doesn´t come back, then that may not be the specific trigger in your case, and you can go back to eating it, as long as you stay attentive to your reactions.

Food to avoid:

1.      Gluten. This means you have to avoid everything made from wheat. In other words, all bread unless it´s made from only gluten-free ingredients, likewise cakes, biscuits, cookies, pancakes etc. The same goes for all kinds of pasta made from wheat. In the Orient they eat a lot of noodles etc. made from rice, which is OK.

2.      Processed industrial food, containing transfats including margarine, glucose syrup and other artificially created ingredients.  

3.      Barbecued, grilled, scorched meats.

4.      “Nightshade” vegetables, especially tomatoes and aubergines, but also potatoes and sweet chili bell peppers. Also peanuts and all kinds of beans that contain lectins, unless they are very thoroughly cooked, preferably pressure-cooked.

5.      Sugar. The only allowed sugar replacements are pure natural raw honey in moderate quantities, and stevia.

6.      Dairy products. These may not be quite as likely culprits as the other items on the list, but they are also among possible triggers of arthritis. More and more people are becoming intolerant of dairy products, probably because the cows are nowadays being treated with antibiotics, hormones and other unnatural chemicals, and then the milk is being manipulated and treated in ways that may change how we react metabolically to it.

The listed products all tend to create problems in the digestive system, which in turn can spill over into other systems. Recently, new research has shown how critically important the bacterial flora of the intestine, the so called microbiome, is for the correct functioning of the entire body, and not least for the glandular and neurological systems, including the brain itself.

OK, now that we have laid the foundations for a complete dietary overhaul to cure  Arthritis, let´s have a look at the specific mechanisms at play when the joints no longer work as they should.

The common wisdom was that the cartilage and other components of the joints wear out with age and then cease to function as they should, causing loss of mobility and pain, which we call Osteoarthritis.  And that there was nothing one could do about it, short of surgically replacing the joints with artificial joints. Which of course is an expensive and very profitable operation for the medical industry. And not exactly a breeze for the patient/victim.

However, already during the 1930s the Austrian-born allround genius Professor Max Wolf made a revolutionary discovery in New York, where he had become a professor of medicine. A discovery that, among other things, changed our understanding of joints, and how they work.

What Professor Wolf discovered was the critical importance of proteolytic enzymes that the body stops making after age 27 or so – The proteolytic enzymes clean up fibrins produced in response to inflammations but then remaining to clog the joints causing pain.  The enzymes remove not only fibrins but also viruses and various kinds of toxins that also may cause trouble for the joints.

Some of the most effective proteolytic enzymes are found in the following fruits and plants:

Papaya, pineapple, turmeric, Devil´s Claw, Boswellia, ginger root, and citrus fruits.

So, another piece of  dietary advice for Arthritis sufferers, in addition to that already given, is to use curcumin, black pepper and ginger as spices in the food, and eat a lot of papaya, pineapple, and other enzyme-rich fruits, especially citrus fruits.

We need to add another item here:  In recent years another food, surprisingly not directly from the botanical world, has been identified that greatly helps calm down osteoarthritis. I´m referring to the green-lipped mussels called Perna Canaliculus, that live around New Zealand. This has already become quite well-known, and these mussels are now being exported to many parts of the world. Extracts are also made from them to be taken as supplements.

But it doesn´t stop there either. One of the most important medical discoveries in recent times – maybe of all times – is what´s now known as the endocannabinoid system. It´s a complete biological system of special receptors all over the body, with particular emphasis on the brain, for so called endocannabinoids. These are internally produced fat-based neurotransmitters that bind to the cannabinoid receptors throughout the central nervous system, including the brain.

The endocannabinoid system is a recently discovered molecular system that the body uses to regulate and modify various physical and emotional reactions. By stimulating the endocannabinoid system, CBD oil promotes homeostasis, reduces pain sensation and decreases inflammation. I will publish a separate report on the Endocannabinoid system in the near future.

And here comes maybe the best recommendation of all.  CBD oil, which can also be applied to joints topically, as a cream. The way it works is rather complicated to explain, but the end result is that the CBD supports regrowth of worn-out cartilage, so the joints can get back to their former smooth functionality. And that also means end to the pain. However, it´s important that you consult someone knowledgeable and experienced regarding the choice of CBD products, and how to use them, because there are many types in circulation that do not work.

We have seen how useless, even damaging, our public allopathic school medicine is when it comes to treating arthritis. In spite of which they are earning billions of dollars every year on arthritis patients.  And yet, there are other medical systems, more competent in treating arthritis, and you have a right to know about them.

Arthritis can be successfully treated with either homeopathy or acupuncture. I have myself treated many patients successfully for arthritis with both, and I found that for arthritis these two therapies work beautifully together.  I particularly remember my first arthritis patient more than 35 years ago. It was a lady of around 40 who was severely crippled by Rheumatoid Arthritis. She could barely walk with knees swollen to more than twice their normal size. She could not work, and her hands were so swollen that she was unable to grip or hold anything. She had been eating Big Pharmas pills for years but had stopped taking them, when they destroyed her stomach without doing anything for her arthritis.

I treated her with acupuncture and homeopathy,  simultaneously. After less than three months of one or two treatments per week, her knees were back to normal, half the size they were when she first came to me, her hands functioned normally again, and she could go back to work. She considered it a miracle and did not need any further treatments.

So, never give up hope! – If there´s a will, there´s a way. It´s “just” a matter of finding it.

Till next time!


Dr. Jens




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