Wouldn´t you agree that the most advanced medicine would be the one that keeps us healthy? In other words preventive medicine, that prevents us from ever falling ill in the first place.

Modern Western medicine has never really caught on to this lofty ideal. Could that in any way be related to the fact that it´s been developed as a modern business for maximum profit? – Definitely not as a charitable undertaking, like the medieval hospitals run by some religious order.

If making money off of sick people is how you want to make your living, how keen would you be to try and truly cure them, and then keep them from ever falling ill again? – Wouldn´t that be a losing proposition?

Well, not necessarily. Only if you are stuck in an old limiting paradigm, and lack a positive, creative and humanitarian mindset.

The ancient Chinese proved that it´s possible to make money from keeping people healthy. They used the special properties of their millennial healing art Acupuncture to develop a health service focusing on prevention.

You may well ask, how on earth that is possible. I will answer that question more in depth in a separate report about Traditional Chinese Medicine.

For now, it´s enough for you to understand a few things modern Western medicine has yet to learn. The first is that every living being is built, and functions, on the basis of a dynamic electromagnetic field, not unlike your computer hard disk.

This dynamic field operates a series of inherited software programs. It´s like they are uploaded into the chromosomes of your DNA. And these software programs control the integrity and maintenance of the body with all its different organs. Consider that throughout life all your cells are constantly replaced by new cells, yet your body maintains its features and functions, basically unchanged.

At the same time, on another level, your inherited software is programmed with the complete operational blueprint for all functions of both body and brain. Not least your immune system that is designed to keep you whole and healthy.

Now, it so happens that the ancient Chinese – just don´t ask me how! – knew this thousands of years ago. This made them develop the science of Acupuncture, by which they are able first to read the energy system of the body without any instruments, and then determine the strength of the various energy currents, and how they affect the functions of all the various organs and glands. In English we now call these energy currents Meridians.

The ancient Chinese physicians discovered that optimal health is characterized by perfect balance and harmony in the energy system throughout the body. All illness is basically caused by an imbalance in the body´s energy system. If there is either too much energy, or not enough, somewhere in the body, it may cause certain organs to malfunction. Maybe the worst thing that can happen is a blockage that stops the energy from flowing freely through the Meridians of the body.

The reason Acupuncture is eminently suited for prevention, is that all illness is a reflection of a disturbance in the flow of energy through the Meridians. And such a disturbance always precedes any visible or noticeable symptoms of illness.

In other words, a skilled acupuncturist can read the status of the meridians and determine when there is a problem, often long before the patient becomes aware of it. And then the faulty energy flow can be corrected before it has had time to cause a manifest illness in the patient. In other words, prevent the patient from falling ill.

The way they went about practicing this was that you would contract an acupuncturist to come and give you a check-up at certain intervals for a fixed monthly fee. If something out of the order was then noticed, the appropriate treatment would be given, till the looming problem had been eliminated.

Obviously, it could happen that someone did fall ill between sessions, since few could have a daily checkup. Then they would simply call on the doctor to come and give the appropriate treatment. Which would be included in the monthly fee.

So, this system functioned like an insurance. The doctors received a fixed monthly payment from each patient, and each patient knew how much his health would cost each month.

No trillions in profits on drugs and treatments for a greedy industry and corrupt drug-peddling doctors. But a decent fixed income from each patient for the doctor, and a reasonable fixed fee for the patient, based on true care, where all involved had one and the same goal; to keep the patient healthy.

There was never any need for dangerous man-made drugs. Natural herbs are, however, very much an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) when indicated. If chosen correctly they would never have any negative side effects but would often cause seemingly miraculous cures.

By now, you may think that I put the wrong headline on this report. What has all this acupuncture stuff to do with vaccines?

Well, I´m sure you will have understood that there is a common denominator for both, namely prevention.

But there are several important differences between vaccines and acupuncture as means of disease prevention.

The most important one is that acupuncture is used for prevention in general, valid for all kinds of potential health problems. It´s based on supporting and strengthening the body´s own curative skills, and especially the immune system.

In contrast, vaccinations target only one specific illness each, based on the presumed cause, usually a virus. It intends to provoke the immune system to produce antibodies for a specific virus, by introducing a weakened or dead version of this virus. On the theory that this will make the body “immune” to the specific virus if, later in life, one would be exposed to that same virus. And then, hopefully, not fall ill.

I am sure you are aware of the hard-core controversy as to both the efficiency and the security of the various vaccines.

The first solid fact regarding vaccinations is that it´s an extremely complicated and highly specialized subject. And this makes it easier for those with profit interests to manipulate, when not outright obscure or cover up, all other solid facts that do not support their profit interests.

So, for instance is it a fact, that no real security studies have ever been made regarding the long term security of vaccines. Only very few and very unsatisfactory short-term studies have been made regarding potential dangerous “side effects” of vaccines, and they have been made by the manufacturers themselves, companies that cannot exactly pride themselves of enjoying the highest reputation for integrity and transparency.

Nor does any valid proof exist of the efficacy of vaccines.

On the contrary, it is a now well-known fact that some of the vaccines have caused outbreaks of the very illness they were supposed to protect from. Measles and Polio, are cases in point.

Further, most people believe that it was thanks to the vaccines that we succeeded in wiping out our most serious epidemics, such as polio. This is being challenged, however, by researchers who point out that the diseases in question were already almost eliminated by the time the vaccines had become available, due to other facts, such as clean water, better hygiene and education.

Every true, objective vaccination expert I know of, who has studied the matter in depth, can only state as an incontestable fact that no vaccine is completely safe. Period. And this has been officially declared in legal proceedings in the USA when the manufacturers have been given total immunity from any responsibility or compensation for vaccine damages.

In other words, all vaccines produce a load of victims of various severity, including death, and those manufacturing the vaccines responsible for this, cannot be sued for damages or compensation of any kind, whatever poisons they put into their vaccines. And boy, do they lace their vaccines with dangerous ingredients!

The proof is the billions in damages paid out by the American National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). And it should be pointed out that those awarded compensation only make up a fraction of the true numbers, due to the very tough criteria for being accepted for compensation, and the large quantity of cases that have never been reported as such, or rejected off hand on purely formal grounds from even being considered.

The next question is: how big are the risks? – Here opinions differ widely. But it´s another incontestable fact, that medical authorities, echoing the propaganda of the pharmaceutical industry, downplay and hide the real risks in a way that can only be called dishonest, if not outright criminal. Surprisingly, this can be easily verified by studying official published data.

Anybody who takes the trouble, and knows where to look, can, for instance, easily verify that the health authorities in countries that have agreed to promote vaccines against the so called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) are guilty of blatant glaring lies.

Here is a sample of the spin they produce:

“The United States currently has the safest, most effective vaccine supply in history. Years of testing are required by law to ensure the safety of vaccines before they are made available for use in the United States. This process can take ten years or longer. Once a vaccine is in use, CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) monitor any associated side effects or possible side effects (adverse events) through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and other vaccine safety systems.”

“All three HPV vaccines—Cervarix®, Gardasil®, and Gardasil® 9—went through years of extensive safety testing before they were licensed by FDA. Cervarix® was studied in clinical trials with more than 30,000 females. Gardasil® trials included more than 29,000 females and males, and Gardasil®9 trials included more than 15,000 females and males. No serious safety concerns were identified in these clinical trials. FDA only licenses a vaccine if it is safe, effective, and the benefits outweigh the risks. CDC and FDA continue to monitor HPV vaccines to make sure they are safe and beneficial for the public.”

As for possible side effects of the HPV vaccination, here is all you are being told:

“ Vaccines, like any medicine, can have side effects. Many people who get HPV vaccine have no side effects at all. Some people report having very mild side effects, like a sore arm. The most common side effects are usually mild. Common side effects of HPV vaccine include:

– Pain, redness, or swelling in the arm where the shot was given

– Fever

– Headache or feeling tired

– Nausea

– Muscle or joint pain”

Brief fainting spells and related symptoms (such as jerking movements) can happen after any medical procedure, including vaccination. Sitting or lying down while getting a shot and then staying that way for about 15 minutes can help prevent fainting and injuries caused by falls that could occur from fainting.

On very rare occasions, severe (anaphylactic) allergic reactions may occur after vaccination. People with severe allergies to any component of a vaccine should not receive that vaccine.

HPV vaccine does not cause HPV infection or cancer. HPV vaccine is made from one protein from the virus, and is not infectious, meaning that it cannot cause HPV infection or cancer. Not receiving HPV vaccine at the recommended ages can leave one vulnerable to cancers caused by HPV.

There are no data that suggest getting HPV vaccine will have an effect on future fertility for women. In fact, getting vaccinated and protecting against HPV-related cancers can help women and families have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.

Not getting HPV vaccine leaves people vulnerable to HPV infection and related cancers. Treatments for cancers and precancers might include surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation, which might cause pregnancy complications or leave someone unable to have children.”

That´s it!

Not a single word about the hundreds of documented deaths the HPV vaccine has caused of young girls around the world. Neither a single word about the very serious life-long damage documented for well over 50,000 girls, often completely destroying their own and their family´s lives.

Nor are we told that the HPV vaccines, after more than 5 years on the market, began showing indications of reduced fertility in the vaccinated. Which means that many of them may never be able to have children. Which is in direct contradiction of the manufacturer´s brazen claim to the contrary.

In other words, deadly misleading marketing across the board.

To be continued as Part 2

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