On my mother´s side, my family has a history of asthma and allergies. I have therefore heard a few things, and been able to make some observations, that I wish to share with you in this report.

Both my maternal grandparents suffered from asthma from middle age on. So did my mother, my sister, and my mother´s paternal aunt. My maternal uncle suffered early from hayfever, and from middle age from psoriasis. And my brother suffered, already at a younger age, from hayfever, and some light episodes of excema.

For my own part I have been much luckier, though I have sometimes noticed a certain sensitivity to some foods, chemicals, smells, and also to “household dust”, but it never reached a level that could be referred to as an allergic reaction, or merit any diagnosis. And it never caused me any serious inconvenience.

My grandmother was very aware that she suffered from allergies, and that her asthma was an allergic reaction. One thing I remember quite clearly, was her reaction to her doctor at the time, telling her that there was no such thing as allergies, and where had she got such an idea from? – I was in my teens at the time – it was probably around 1950 – and though not sure what allergy really meant, I sided with my grandmother in her shock at how ignorant her doctor was! – Allergies was a rather new concept at the time.

I also remember that she nearly choked to death, when someone at her senior residence one day was making her own, home-made candles for Christmas.

Initially, science in the strictly materialistic sense of the word would only entertain direct measurable physical triggers as causes or aggravators of allergic reactions. But advances of the Aquarian Paradigm has made visible to us the powerful effects of energy frequencies, emotions and mental worries on our bodily health, via the glandular chemistry. Therefore, it has become accepted in recent times that different forms of stress can at least aggravate – if not single-handed cause – allergic reactions, or precipitate a reaction in someone disposed for it. And this is a crucial realization, when it comes to handling such reactions.

When we get that far in our understanding, the question arises, what the cause is of such stress, and what can be done to reduce it.

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