Truly good medicine, to be effective, requires a personalized approach, where each and every patient is assessed and treated according to his or her uniquely individual personality type, personal experiences and present requirements.

An industrial medicine that treats everybody with the same pills or poisons, just because they show similar symptoms, is doomed to fail.

In some medical practises it´s said that they treat the patient, not the disease. It´s another way of saying that they target the true cause of the disease, not just the superficial symptoms.

Good medicine cannot be an assembly line business, designed to make as much money as fast as possible. It has to be deeply personlized and emotionally caring, sculpted for each patient to fit his or her needs at each moment in time.

Even if this ideal is difficult to achieve in real life, we were much closer to it in the old days, when it was common with a house doctor who came home to his patients and typically had known them and followed them over many years, maybe even since birth.

Let´s for a moment forget the more recent medical inventions, such as anti-biotics and some incisive techniques that undoubtedly have saved millions of lives. The old-fashioned house doctor then comes across as offering a better kind of medicine than the one we suffer under today. How long did we have to wait for the doctor to come home to us? – Maybe a few hours. Or till the next day. Not likely weeks, or even months, to get an appointment at the hospital with some young inexperienced doctor we never saw before and who knows nothing about our personality traits, background or circumstances.

Is it really necessary to point out that human beings are not machines? That our health problems cannot be solved as if we were mechanical devices, where each part can be changed, or fixed with the same lubricant or topcoat paint that is used for a car.

Even in cases that may seem totally mechanical, like a broken bone or arm, the human psychological and emotional aspect can never be ignored, if one wants to achieve an optimal result from the treatment. Quite apart from the fundamental fact that each person may react to a given drug or treatment in a different way from everybody else. Or, indeed, that a person may react totally differently to the same drug or treatment, when taken at different times of the day, or year, or depending on the state of mind.

Even if we ignore the possibility that psychological or emotional factors played a decisive role for the accident to occur in the first place, we cannot ignore the role they play for the cure and rehabilitation process.

I know, I know! Modern medical science has achieved seemingly impossible specific things! –
Nobody wants to deny that. The issue is a much larger and more fundamental one. It has to do with deep awareness and real holistic understanding of what the true priorities and needs of a human being is. How every cell and function in the body is intricately related to every other cell and function, and what is most important to focus on to achieve the ultimate desired result.

Modern medicine is phenomenal at mechanically manipulating separate body parts,
but in the process it´s lost the map and the goal. Indeed, it´s lost its soul.

Big Pharma has had all the marketing genius that can be bought for money at its disposal for over 100 years, and we have been spoon-fed the overwhelming story of the fantastic scientific advances in medicine over the last century and a half, that has saved so many lives.

Therefore, we must stand in awe before its scientific miracles and never doubt that everything that went before is ”unscientific” useless hocus pocus, that will have no effect and more likely do harm.

My aim is not just to complain about allopathic school medicine, but to try and bring some balance and common sense into the picture.

There is no disputing that some medical discoveries made in the last century and half, have been important, and have saved many lives. That´s not what our disagreement is about. The problem is the wider holistic concept of what medicine should be, and what role each new technology or discovery should play in the larger picture.

The problem began when the existing medicine was hijacked and monopolized by Rockefeller business interests at the beginning of the 1900s, using the bottomless coffers of supposedly charitable non-profit Rockefeller Foundation as front. They began funding tailor-made research projects with a predictable or even predetermined result.

They began funding medical schools on the condition of getting decisive influence over their curricula and the appointment of scientific staff, etc. They began taking over scientific medical journals that determine what research gets published and what gets tucked away into deep vaults.

With an additional similar influence over the banking system, media, and the entire educational system, including the formation of teachers. they have pretty much shaped our entire society to suit their business interests.

It´s amounted to a social engineering project with global impact. In on the deal, have been several other non-profit “sister funds” run by other billionaire families, such as The Mellon Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

So when I now take up my symbolic pen, rather than sword, to fight for a more humane, more effective, less harmful and less costly medicine, I do indeed challenge an all-powerful opponent, and a ruthless and oppressive one at that. It´s truly a fight between David and Goliath. And I hope you understand what is at stake here, and that you will give me every support you can. Your health, and even your life is clearly at stake.

So, now let´s turn our attention to the causes of cancer. It´s true that a few specific contributing causes for cancer have been identified, but on the whole our mainstream medicine has shown very little interest in answering this question. Doesn´t this strike you as strange?

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