About a year ago, at the beginning of 2019, ANNE LOGICAL published an article on the CORONA VIRUS predicting that there would be a link between 5G and a fake virus to explain the damaging health effects of the microwave radiation.

And now, as 5G was rolled out in China during late 2019 with base stations concentrated to the city of Wuhan, that´s exactly when and where this mysterious new virus is reported. As if that was not enough, the plot thickens as we find the only high security virus research lab in China located right there too.

The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is the only lab in China designated for studying dangerous pathogens. In other words, at this lab they can isolate cells and inject foreign cells into humans via vaccines. 

And then it turns out that this “new virus” is not that new after all.

A prominent research scientist, James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., Head of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, who claims to have analyzed the Corona Virus, says that it must have been manufactured in a laboratory some years ago, since it carries signs of a specific “vector technology”used for genetic manipulation, i.e. the artificial introduction of new genes into cells. He is quoted as expressing surprise that such a virus can have escaped to be circulating among people. 

It also turns out that several patents have been granted regarding different strains of corona virus to pharmaceutical companies and individual researchers. And that they have been subject to considerable research, and even laboratory use as a vaccine against bronchitis.

Preparedness seems to have been high, since a series of events focusing on the Corona Virus, among them joint conferences about it between the US the UK, and China took place, and several new companies targeting it were formed just a couple of months before the outbreak was announced and filled every newspaper´s 1st page and every TV-screen with fear-mongering hype. Wouldn´t that count as smoking guns? 

Yet, the number of cases, and the number of deaths have so far been really tiny, if you compare with the normal, flu every single year!

Further increasing the stench of conspiracy around this virus, we trace several pharmaceutical companies and researchers, some of whom in government pay, who have been up to the ears involved with earlier fraudulent virus epidemics, beginning with the HIV psyop holocaust, the treatment for which may have killed some 30 million innocent healthy people, while making countless billions for Big Pharma (see my two special reports about this on this website!)

Then SARS, MERS, SWINE and BIRD flus. Not to forget the ZIKA so called virus epidemic which, like AIDS, turned out not to be caused by any virus at all, but by poisoning from a recklessly spread pesticide.

I know all this is hard to believe until you do your own research with fully open eyes. But however unpleasant and threatening it may feel, opening your eyes to the truth is ultimately the only way to stay alive and well, and remain free. So don´t bury your eyes in the sand like an ostrich, but keep´em open and watch out for the traps laid out for you! If you think the government is watching out for you, think again! – It would be like mistaking the big bad wolf for your grandmother.

For further background I take the liberty of summarising parts of Anne Logical´s research from her website.

A San Diego biotech company, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, just received a $9 million grant from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus.

The grant builds on Inovio´s existing partnership with CEPI, in which the company had already been granted an award of up to $56 million to develop vaccines for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Lassa fever.

According to Dr. Kate Broderick, Senior Vice President of Research and Development at Inovio, the company received the sequence of the virus from the Chinese authorities and designed a new vaccine in about two hours. It´s now being manufactured so that it can be tested in animals and then go to clinical trials.

“Those $9 million will allow us to push that research and development into the clinic and allow us to give help to those patients in the outbreak region,” said Dr. Broderick.

“Inovio estimates the vaccine will be available for human testing by early summer.”

Now we are talking about untested DNA technology, first used on pigs, to make pigs breed at a younger age.

The pioneer of DNA vaccinations is a man called Dr. Weiner (not to be confused with Dr. Lyons-Weiler mentioned earlier!)  Dr Weiner was heavily involved with the Zika vaccine!

InOvio was founded in 2000 by Dr. Joseph Kim and Dr. Weiner. Before that they are reported to have run a company named VGX

According to my sources, Dr. Kim had received funds from the pharmaceutical giant Merck, of VIOXX and Gardasil notoriety, to work on pig DNA for a veterinary drug against a Porcine Circovirus for pigs.

Somehow the Department of Homeland Security (a security and anti-terrorist government agency! ) seemed to have got involved, and the resulting DNA plasma for pigs was approved in 2005. In 2009 Dr. Kim´s company filed with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for permission to start trials on humans with a vaccine for the swine flu. I´m just repeating info! Don´t ask me what it infers!

Later on, I am told, Porcine Circovirus 1 and 2 were detected in Merck vaccines Gardasil for human papilloma virus (HPV), and RotaTeq and Rotarix against diarrhea in babies. I must assume Merck has a good explanation for that.

Reports are now claiming that the coronavirus is linked to seafood after many people were reported to have contracted coronavirus from a Wuhan seafood market. 

Apparently, farmed seafood in the area has largely been fed with swine feces (pig shit in plain English)

Dr. Weiner is a leading expert on the new DNA technology. He has perfected a new method of giving these DNA vaccines via so called Electroporation which uses pulsed microwaves to force open the cell membranes so that the foreign DNA can get in.

This system is experimental and clearly “unsafe” since there is no way to know for sure what consequences it may have on the cells, and on the rest of the body in the long run.

“So here is a company heavily involved in experimenting on fake pandemics and fake viruses for many years, now been given the go ahead to produce the corona virus vaccine!”

Electroporation means applying pulsed microwaves at particular frequencies to break through the natural defenses of the cell membrane, allowing foreign or synthetic DNA to introduce selected new sets of genetic instructions.

Such experimental manipulations are obviously extremely risky, since it cannot be foreseen what kind of effects they will cause in a longer perspective. Especially since the specific molecular manipulations and the exact methods used, can vary from one recombinant DNA experiment to another.

However, it´s easy to see that this vaccination technology is perfectly suited to massively affect the entire population. For instance reducing its fertility, which is already happening to some degree with some recently introduced non-DNA vaccines, notably the HPV-vaccines. In order to achieve its effective implementation, it would need to be complemented by a perceived public danger great enough to force everybody to get vaccinated. Such as a perceived deadly pandemic. Never doubt it – it´s coming!

Then, just remember: The virus is not the real danger. If you have a well-functioning immune system based on healthy food and healthy living, plus good hygiene, you will be safe. The real danger is the fear, combined with the vaccine. My wise mother used to say:

The fear of the plague killed many more than the plague itself!


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